Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Nutritional Needs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nutritional Needs - Assignment Example According to (Fleming et al, 2015) the diet of the woman thus should have foods rich in soluble fat vitamins necessary for the development of the embryo, Omega 3 responsible for brain development, amino acid glycine for the fetus growth. Other useful vitamins include vitamin E available from nuts, vegetables and fruits; Vitamin A for cell differentiation and cell lining in the lungs. Can be got from, sweet potatoes, dry apricots, lettuce and fish among others; Vitamin D responsible for skeleton development of the embryo available from beef liver, salmon, tuna and fatty fish; Vitamin K necessary for keeping calcium in the tissues they belong. Vitamin K1 is available from leafy greens while K2 from fermented foods; DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) responsible for the formation and development of neurons and is available in fatty fish and cod liver oil; Biotin, its deficiency causes birth defects and as such should be obtained from egg yolks; Folate needed for production of new DNA from embry o formation. Some of the health concerns or disease associated with poor nutrition during the gestation period include physical disorders, handicaps and neurological disorders. Alcoholics would most likely end up with a fetal alcohol syndrome in the unborn. Further, they may experience congenital malformations of the unborn or inappropriate birth weight. Hypertension or even renal dysfunction can be effects felt from the same. Incidences of breast cancer as well can result from poor diet and underdeveloped or problematic cardiovascular system on the unborn as well could be another risk (Sun, C et al 2014). Examples of good and bad nutritional choices for baby and mom include: foods rich in Irons, folic acid, magnesium, vitamins, omega 3, proteins and calcium, energy among others and may include fish, eggs, sweet potatoes, beans and lentil, lean meat, yogurt, orange juice, oatmeal, leafy greens and salmons. bad nutritional choices for baby and mom include too much coffee, alcohol, so ft blue cheese, raw or partially cooked eggs.raw meat, liver among others.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The End of Art Essay Example for Free

The End of Art Essay The end of art is not the death of art, but the wholesale elimination of what used to be considered art and its replacement by a new concept: pluralism. When art has exhausted itself and this concept has been brought into the forefront of the consciousness, this awareness signals the end of art. Art is no longer art in the traditional sense (having a manifesto-aesthetically pleasing, etc. ) because the accessibility to art and to create art has allowed the masses to be exposed to it and to manipulate it. As Danto says any â€Å"art† made after Andy Warhol in the 1960s is not attached to any manifesto, and the art that is produced after the end of art is consider pluralism and cultural artifacts. A shift from the artwork itself evoking an emotional response is no longer relevant. The criterion for which art must stand up to be is gone. Simply, essentially philosophy becomes more important than the art itself. As shown by Hegel, â€Å"We have gone beyond just the emotional response to art, our ideas about the art, our judgments about the art is not for creating art again, but understanding the philosophy behind it. As with Modernism which pushed art to its limit, â€Å"The age of Manifestos is what it took to be philosophy into the heart of artistic production†¦discovery of that philosophical truth† (Danto, 30). An example of common manifesto of the college dorm room: The lava lamp, the Salvador Dali poster, the futon, the psychedelic trinkets overall the place individually, but now it has combined separate manifestos into one manifesto together. What the artist has created become less about the physicality of it and about the philosophy and the idea behind it. He takes the idea that there are no more criterion to what makes â€Å"art† art, that anything can be art, and thus the term â€Å"art† becomes meaningless and needs a new term: pluralism. The freedom that anyone can create something and it may possibly be considered pluralism or a cultural artifact has democratized the whole process and eliminated the critics, the middlemen, in the process. The consumer and the creator are brought together, and the critic is left looking for work. What is considered art is determined by a group of individuals who are involved in the arts either academically, critically, an artist, buyers, sellers, etc. Danto believes that art critics decide what is considered art and then art is assigned a worth. I disagree with Danto. The art critic is obsolete because if anything can be â€Å"art† then there is no real authority on what is art (pluralism) in the post historical phase? What self-respecting art critic would stake his or her reputation on say, beanie babies? But people pay thousands of dollars for something that in an earlier age could only be described as art. It is not that people will not make art, but that â€Å"pluralism† cannot be held up against the traditional criteria of the past historical art, as shown, â€Å"Not that art died or that painters stopped painting, but that the history of art, structured narratively, had come to an end† (Danto, 125). The modernism movement in which art shifted from being about making interpretations of the world to a search for internal meaning. â€Å"Artists were no longer concerned to imitate reality, but to give objective expression to the feelings reality elicited in them† (Danto, 65). Hegel’s idea that art had ended was not accepted widely during his time because much more artwork and the furthering of art would continue for some time. The imitation of reality through painting was mastered when we shifted from the mimesis paradigm in which painting reality as accurately as possible was the goal. The camera was the nail in the coffin. (Danto, 25) Realism was out a job. So what do you do when you don’t have a job? Become a philosopher! Modernism reflects the only thing that taking a brush loaded with paint to a canvas had left to do: make a closing statement. Danto’s claim is fitting because there has not been anything new presented in the ‘artworld’, since Warhol’s paintings, but what about technology. Graphic design was innovative, but is it pluralism or technology? Does technology further pluralism or destroy it? What does Danto mean by the master narrative of history, and how does this explain the end of art? The end of a certain narrative of art and of history as discussed by Danto from the 1400s up until the 1960s had â€Å"progressing innovative development, in which it is only possible when art is preserved, to which the artists can compare their own representations and transform his or her on work beyond the art of their predecessors† (Danto, 66). The imitation of life and reality, in painting, was essential to the furthering of the discipline. The categorical story of painting’s progression, and therefore art’s progression, from classical to medieval to romanticism to renaissance to impressionism, and so on exposed in each period (which is only possible because of history) a new innovation, a new way of representing reality and non-realities. With paintings on the caves to the two dimensional arts to the advent of the camera/photograph which culminated the west’s goal to attain perfection or at least represent reality as closely to the actual object of which it was representing. The master narrative which can only be recognized and understood after enough time has passed is Danto’s idea (Hegel) that the story of Western art and the characteristics of that story include aesthetics, beauty, skill and a certain meaning or statement (manifesto) behind it are rendered meaningless. As Danto describes, â€Å"the master narrative of the history of artin the West but by the end not in the West aloneis that there is an era of imitation, followed by an era of ideology, followed by our post-historical era in which, with qualification, anything goes. . . In our narrative, at first only mimesis was art, then several things were art but each tried to extinguish its competitors, and then, finally, it became apparent that there were no stylistic or philosophical constraints. There is no special way works of art have to be. And that is the present and, I should say, the final moment in the master narrative. It is the end of the story(Danto, 47). This story that Danto says has come to an conclusion. The narrative that art should be beautiful or have a struggle or have a certain technique to it no longer applies. Modern art has culminated in its conclusion. This challenged our ideas of painting, instead of painting objects or the external world to painting a surface or idea, â€Å"They were thinking of Robert Ryman’s more or less all-white paintings, or perhaps the aggressive monotonous stripe paintings of the French artist Daniel Buren (Danto, 4). This shows that art (painting) had become completely exhausted externally and all that was left to discover was the internal. The shift in the master narrative for art from realism to abstract (ideas) was essentially depicting the external world to the internal world of the self (or artist). It became about how the artist’s ideas, about emotions and other realities. The master narrative of art has lost its capacity to continue to further art’s progression, it is like the scriptures of the bible, where it is detached and ironic from current times and the individual. What once existed only for the select few is now an egalitarian experiment, thus so no one save the authoritarian longing for the days when he could tyrannically rule over the masses should mourn the end of art. The view that only the select few, the artists, the critics, the buyers, the sellers have reign over the realm of the culturally significant and beautiful ended. 3. How does the development of pop art and music reflect the answers given in previous questions? According to Danto, Pop-art brought about the end of art. Essentially by taking a common object (artifact) or sound or concept that is familiar or well known to people and putting it in a different circumstance thus making it foreign or unfamiliar. Art (pluralism) is stuck in the cyclical loop that just keeps manipulating the familiar making it unfamiliar thus making familiar again. Danto believes that all that is left are the philosophical ideas. This goes back to the idea. The idea is what motivates the art. As with Josef Albers picture, â€Å"Study in Green†, was a new idea at the time, however anybody can do that now. Once something new has been created then it is done and if another creates a similar piece it will not be original art and it will be considered ‘esque’ of the original artist. With the advent of pop art which turns ordinary objects into art, than all things become art rendering the term â€Å"art† meaningless as a term for defining. Warhol said everything can be art; therefore there is beauty in everything. â€Å"The great traditional paradigm of the visual arts had been, in fact, that of mimesis, which served the theoretical purposes of art admirably for several centuries†¦to extirpate competing paradigms (Danto, 29). It was believed that modernism would continue to carry art further. This was not the case. Roy Lichtenstein’s famous comic-book style paintings were not just brute copies, but much detail and intention went into his paintings, however this is the end. One cannot tell the difference between the actual object and the art that it is representing, in which reality and art imploded in on each other. Once Pop-art hit into mainstream through consumerism and once again the idea of taking a popular object and making it unfamiliar. Andy Warhol broke down elitism of high art/low art dichotomy and made it accessible to all. This allowed for more creativity with applying ideas to different mediums. Danto’s idea that we are currently in a state of a cyclical familiarity-unfamiliarity can be shown often times in individual musicians/artists progression, such as Bjork. The progression of Bjork’s pop music in early recordings to currently, with combinations of genres and possibly unclassified types of composition, in which she fuses two or more mechanical instruments together with technology like micro-controllers and turns it into music. However this does not mean that it is unintentional or lacking complex structure. As shown with early electronic music, such as, Xenakis’s â€Å"Chrome† in which he recorded the crackling of a fire in a fireplace, and he was the first to do it. He took something that is common and made it uncommon. Also, it was considered new music because there is no reference point. Unlike music of today where almost everything is piggy-backed on something else it can leave a feeling that music is homogenous. With the term of â€Å"selling-out† it does not just relate to selling to advertisers, or changing the essence of the music, but even getting popular is considered a form of selling out, for one to be artistic one must stay in obscurity. I believe there still is underground music because as long as there is radio and the big wigs determine who is important/big, there will be big acts and small acts. However, it does not seem likely this will last regardless of how many downloaders are sued. We are currently in a story-less moment in history. There are no definitive criteria, no manifesto, and no parameters. We are in an exciting time where anything can be art (pluralism) and anyone can be an artist. We make look back at this time and it will be labeled post-historical, but for now we are in a time of great change in art and thus so in society.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

What America Means To Me Essay -- essays research papers

America is a wonderful place to live, because we are free. Freedom is important, and many people in other countries do not have much freedom. I am glad I have a place like this to grow up in; where I know that I can be equal with other races and other genders. Also, I am glad I have a place like this that will respect me and I know it will be a great place to have my children grow up in. Some of our ancestors did not have the privileges we have now because they grew up in other countries, that controlled their religion, who they married, and almost everything else in their lives. That may be one of the reasons they moved to America in the first place. I am very grateful for our country, and all of the privileges I have growing up here. In many countries, I wouldn’t be able to get the ed...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Little Women Critique

She must merely describe life as it actually was. Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) wrote Little Women at the request of her publishers, even though she was not very enthused about writing a book for girls. This book is a primary The second book, Century of Struggle: The Woman's Rights Movement in source. The united States, by Eleanor Fleeter and Ellen Fitzpatrick (1969, 1975, 1996) is both a primary and a secondary source.The author used primary sources, such as archival material, to depict the struggles that women endured in their path to gain voting rights in the nineteenth century but Ms. Fleeter also drew from her experiences and observations of her mother. Century of Struggle Is a monograph. [l] I don't think Little Women had a thesis; It was a book written for young girls to enjoy. However, through the use of the author's own life experiences, the book has left an Imprint of what life was Like for many women during the Call War.Century of Struggle, on the other hand, did have a th esis: â€Å"to survey the position of women during the colonial and revolutionary periods, before any movement may properly be said to have gun; to trace its development from scattered beginnings early in the nineteenth century of a number of different fronts–education, employment, trade union organization, the professions, the law, the franchise–down to then enactment of the suffrage amendment in 1920; to keep that struggle in perspective against the growth of this nation and of such related reform movements as the abolition of slavery, temperance, and the organization of trade unions–bearing in mind that never at any time were these women without the support of far-seeing and loyal men. † Eleanor Fleeter (1908-1995) had a vast Interest In history. She majored In history and English from Swarthmore College and attended Oxford university for one year due to a fellowship she received for her senior thesis on Mary Tudor. In the sass, Ms. Fleeter wrote plays â€Å"that focused on social and economic unrest and the rise of fascism. † The beginning and the content of Century of Struggle began with her experience with labor organizing and her many political activities; she Joined the Communist Party in the ass and participated in with many radical activists andCentury of Struggle is a very comprehensive book about the history organizations. Of women in the United States. The author delved as far back as the sass in an effort to depict how women have fought and struggled to obtain roles in society where they were no longer Just housewives or nurses; roles that would give them their own voice In society. Ms. Fleeter stated In her book that â€Å"Whatever their social station, under English common law, which became Increasingly predominant In the colonies and among all religious denominations†¦ Women had many duties, but few rights. 2] In compiling her facts, Ms. Fleeter used an extensive number of sources, view of women's histo ry, especially their struggle to gain the right to vote.As stated in Century of Struggles preface, Noting rights had long been denied to women as much by prevailing notions of who they were and what capacities they possessed as by any explicit and carefully planned scheme to deny women access to the instruments of democracy. † Louisa May Alcott Little Women was a fictional novel. However, it has long been regarded as â€Å"a significant exploration of the processes of coming a woman. † It acknowledged the various conflicts inherent in the girls' artistic ambitions and social expectations†¦ â€Å"[3] The author acknowledges that she used her own experiences with her sisters to infuse life into her books characters. This edition of the book contained many criticisms of Little Women as well as a chronology of Ms. Alcott life. Ms.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Questionnaire KAYE FINAL

Your answers will be tabulated with those of others to determine information needs, usage patterns, content requirements, format preferences, and overall quality. Thank you for your time and assistance. Directions: Please read this page before filling in your questionnaire. Take the time to fill in the questionnaire carefully and thoroughly. Allow sufficient time before your appointment for completion. Answer every question possible. Answer questions as honestly as possible. Encircle or mark all possible answers which apply to you. I.Target Situation Analysis Tasks, Skills and Activities of Nurses 1 . Which of the following best describes your practice role? (select all that apply) Case manager Clinical nurse specialist Nurse manager/ administrator Nurse navigator Nurse practitioner Nursing instructor/ educator Research nurse Staff nurse Other (Specify) Other (please specify) 2. What are the tasks that you usually do as a nurse? 3. What are the activities that you usually do which ne ed your skills? 4. What language skills and genres do you usually utilize? . Discourse AnalysisDescriptions of the language used by Nurses 1 . What are the demands of the Standardized Language in your field? 2. What are the goals Of utilizing Standardized Language for Nursing? 3. What are the genres and the terms used by nurses? Ill. Present Situation Analysis Capacities of Nurses 1 . According to you, what does it take to make a good nursing leader? Select all appropriate choices. A. Good interpersonal skills b. Good personality c. Better knowledge and skills d. Ability to handle all the members e. Good nature f. Ability to bring the best out of all members .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Douglas Dunn and Trisha Brown essays

Douglas Dunn and Trisha Brown essays Trisha Brown was born in 1936, in Aberdeen, Washington. She studied with Anna Halprin, another famous dancer, while a dance major at Mills College. Trisha Brown went to New York in 1960, and in 1962 became a founding member of the Judson Dance Theater. A few years later she organized her own company, which was incorporated in 1970. In that year she also became a founding member of the Grand Union, an improvisational dance theater company. In her dances, Brown uses ordinary movements in extraordinary circumstances. She works in structured improvisation and describes her choreographic approach as similar to that of a brick-layer with a sense of humor. One of Trisha Browns first dances was called Falling Duets (1968). This piece demands alertness, ingenuity and good reflexes as two performers take turns falling and ` One of Trisha Browns techniques is called accumulation .This is dancing like adding links to a chain. Each movement is a new link and then the whole sequence is repeated again from the beginning. Later on the dancer rotated gradually, eventually making a 360 degree turn. The dancer also performed the chain in different positions (propped up against the wall, on the floor). Then, sometimes, she would de-accumulate by eliminating movements from the beginning of the phrase with each repetition. In 1971 Browns Roof Piece, another famous piece, spread out over a twelve block radius in lower Manhattan. Stationed on rooftops, the dancers relayed movements from one to another trying to reproduce them with the least amount of distortion. The unusual locations in her dances were used because they had effects on not only the choreography but on the audiences perception as well. From 1968-1972, Brown experimented with equipment pieces. These enabled her to exploit neglected performance spaces, ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Feminism in the 20th Century

Feminism in the 20th Century Free Online Research Papers Feminism is defined as the principle advocating social, political, and economic rights for women equal to those of men. Throughout history women have played different roles in different societies, but have for the most part been considered subservient and inferior in status to men. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the â€Å"sociology of the family† became the more prominent concern of feminists. Feminist theory is the extension of feminism into theoretical, or philosophical, grounds, encompassing work done in a broad variety of areas, including womens roles, lives and feminist politics in anthropology and sociology, economics, womens and gender studies, as well as feminist literary criticism. – Feminist Theory: Wikipedia The struggle for the right to vote was won by â€Å"The National Womans Party† which existed between 1913 and 1930 and represented one of the main forces for womens suffrage during the 20th century. The primary emphasis of the party was the â€Å"Fourteen Points† which were listed in a speech delivered by President Woodrow Wilson of the United States to Congress on January 8, 1918 which displayed an idealism which gave Wilson a position of moral leadership among the allies, and encouraged the central powers to surrender. Wilsons Fourteen Points recognized self determination as a vital component of society, and the hypocrisy of denying half the population of modern nations the vote became difficult for men to ignore. Individual States continued to grant the vote one by one, and the nineteenth amendment was passed in 1919, and ratified in 1920. The term â€Å"Women’s Liberation† is a phrase coined in the 20th century when looking at the history of women’s fight for equality. The phrase â€Å"Women’s Liberation† was first used in 1964, appeared in print in 1966, and was in use at the 1967 American Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) convention. The convention held a panel discussion on the topic. By 1968, although the term Women’s Liberation Front appeared in â€Å"Ramparts† it was starting to refer to the whole women’s movement. In Chicago, women disillusioned with the â€Å"New Left† were meeting separately in 1967, and publishing â€Å"Voice of the Women’s Liberation Movement† by March of 1968. When the Miss America Pageant was held in September of 1968, the media referred to the demonstrations as â€Å"Women’s Liberation†, and the Chicago Womens Liberation Union was formed in 1969 and was the first of many groups with similar titles which appeared in other parts of the United States. The image and stereotype of bra-burning became associated with the movement, and soon the media was creating other unauthentic terms such as â€Å"libber†. A number of rival terms coexisted for a while but Women’s Liberation captured the popular imagination and has persisted, although today the older term Women’s Movement is used just as frequently. No matter what the specific case, women’s equality has always been a struggle to be held to the same standards and have the same rewards as men. Women’s rights have been achieved in the workplace, politics, and in sports. The fight for continued equality among the genders has even attracted such famous individuals as musical artists Curt Cobain and Ani Defranco, as well as renowned author Sylvia Plath. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia: Feminist Theory Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia: The History of Feminism in the 20th Century Research Papers on Feminism in the 20th Century19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Fifth HorsemanInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementQuebec and CanadaHip-Hop is ArtCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Discover Amazing Manta Ray Facts

Discover Amazing Manta Ray Facts Manta rays are the largest rays in the world. There are at least two species of mantas. Manta birostris is the giant oceanic manta and Manta alfredi is the reef manta. Their appearance is similar and the range of the two species overlaps, but the giant manta is more often found on the open ocean while the reef manta visits shallower, coastal waters. Fast Facts: Manta Ray Scientific Name: Manta sp.Other Names: Devil ray, Giant manta, Mobula sp.Distinguishing Features: Massive ray with a triangular shape, cavernous mouth, and paddle-shaped lobes in front of its mouthAverage Size: 7 meters (M. birostris); 5.5 m (M. alfredi)Diet: Carnivorous filter feederLifespan: Up to 50 yearsHabitat: Tropical and subtropical oceans worldwideConservation Status: Vulnerable (Population Decreasing)Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: ChondrichthyesSubclass: ElasmobranchiiOrder: MyliobatiformesFamily: MobulidaeFun Fact: Mantas regularly visit reef cleaning stations to have external parasites removed. Description The name manta means mantle or cloak, which is an accurate description of the animals form. Manta rays have triangular pectoral fins, broad heads, and gill slits on their ventral surfaces. Their horn-shaped cephalic fins have earned them the nickname devil ray. Both species of ray have small, square teeth. The species differ in the structure of their dermal denticles, color patterns, and tooth patterns. Most mantas are black or dark-colored on top with marked shoulders and pale undersides. The ventral surface may have distinctive dark marks. All-black animals also occur. M. birostris has a spine near its dorsal fin, but it is incapable of stinging. M. birostris reaches 7 m (23 ft) in width, while M. alfredi reaches 5.5 m (18 ft) in width. A large manta can weight up to 1350 kg (2980 lb). Manta rays must move forward to pass oxygenated water over their gills. The fish swim basically by flapping their pectoral fins and flying underwater. Despite their large size, mantas frequently breach into air. The fish have one of the highest brain-to-body mass ratios and are believed to be highly intelligent. Manta rays must swim forward to breathe. Gregory Sweeney / Getty Images Distribution Manta rays live in the tropical and subtropical oceans around the world. They have been seen as far north as North Carolina in the United States (31Â °N)Â  and as far south as New Zealand (36Â °S), although they only venture into temperate seas when the water temperature is at least 20 Â °C (68 Â °F). Both species are pelagic, found mainly in the open ocean. They are common in coastal waters from spring to fall. They migrate as far as 1000 km (620 mi) and occur at depths ranging from sea level down to 1000 m (3300 ft). During the day, manta rays swim near the surface. At night, they venture deeper. Manta ray distribution. maplab Diet Manta rays are carnivorous filter feeders that prey upon zooplankton, including krill, shrimp, and crab larvae. Mantas hunt by sight and smell. A manta herds its prey by swimming around it so the current collects the plankton. Then, the ray speeds through the ball of food with a wide-open mouth. The cephalic fins channel particles into the mouth, while the gill arches collect them. Predators Killer whales and large sharks prey upon mantas. Cookie cutter sharks, which take round cookie-shaped bites from their prey, can inflict potentially fatal damage. Rays are susceptible to a variety of parasites. They routinely visit reef cleaning stations for wound cleaning and ectoparasite removal. The ability of each fish to revisit cleaning stations is considered evidence manta rays construct mental maps of their surroundings. Reproduction Mating occurs at different times of the year and depends on the mantas geographic location. Courtship appears to involve fish swimming in trains, often during the full moon. During mating, the male almost always grasps the females left pectoral fin. He then turns so the two are belly-to-belly and inserts a clasper into her cloaca. Gestation is believed to take 12 to 13 months. The egg cases hatch inside the female. Eventually, one to two pups emerge. Females usually give birth every two years. Males mature when they are younger and smaller than females. Females usually mature around 8 to 10 years of age. Mantas may live up to 50 years in the wild. Manta Rays and Humans Historically, manta rays were worshipped or feared. It wasnt until 1978 that divers demonstrated the animals were gentle and would interact with humans. Today, some of the best success protecting manta rays has come from ecotourism. Fishing a manta for its meat, skin, or for gill rakers for Chinese traditional medicine can earn hundred of dollars. However, each ray can bring in $1 million in tourism dollars over its lifetime. Scuba divers are most likely to encounter the great fish, but tourism in the Bahamas, Hawaii, Indonesia, Australia, Spain, and other countries makes it possible for anyone to view mantas. While the rays are not aggressive, care must be taken to avoid touching the fish because disrupting its mucous layer makes it susceptible to injury and infection. Mantas are not aggressive toward humans. James R.D. Scott / Getty Images Conservation Status The IUCN Red List classifies both M. alfredi and M. birostris as vulnerable with an elevated risk of extinction. While mantas are protected by many countries, their numbers are declining because of migration through unprotected waters, overfishing, bycatch, entanglement in fishing gear, ingestion of microplastics, water pollution, boat collisions, and climate change. Local populations face a severe threat because there is little interaction between subpopulations. Because of the fishs low reproductive rate, its unlikely mantas in unprotected areas can recover, particularly from overfishing. However, a few public aquariums are large enough to house manta rays. These include the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas, and the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan. The aquarium in Okinawa has successfully birthed manta rays in captivity. Sources Ebert, David A. (2003). Sharks, Rays, and Chimaeras of California. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-23484-0.Marshall, A. D.; Bennett, M. B. (2010). Reproductive ecology of the reef manta ray Manta alfredi in southern Mozambique. Journal of Fish Biology. 77 (1): 185–186. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02669.xParsons, Ray (2006). Sharks, Skates, and Rays of the Gulf of Mexico: A Field Guide. Univ. Press of Mississippi. ISBN 978-1-60473-766-0.White, W. T.; Giles, J.; Dharmadi; Potter, I. (2006). Data on the bycatch fishery and reproductive biology of mobulid rays (Myliobatiformes) in Indonesia. Fisheries Research. 82 (1–3): 65–73. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2006.08.008

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Concept paper on How Education has impacted Veterans Empowerment to Essay

Concept paper on How Education has impacted Veterans Empowerment to Careers employment and Job Satisfaction (Marine Corps) - Essay Example heir lifestyle. What is more, the impact of being educated transcends all facets of a person’s life and occupation, including being a Marine Corps veteran. In the opinion of Eberlein (2006), education improves a person’s social life and social status. Studies by Druskat and Pescosolido (2002) revealed that high levels of education led to increased career and job satisfaction, especially among U.S. Marine Corps veterans. As veterans increasingly learn and read from various sources, their lives go through various transformational processes. Druskat and Pescosolido found a direct correlation between education level and the kind of jobs that U.S. Marine Corps veterans get employed into. Nelson (2012) noted that education level also influences veterans’ taste, class, and life preferences. Using existing literature on the relationship between education and employment opportunities for U.S. Marine Corps veterans, I seek to identify the effect of education on career and job satisfaction after these veterans have been employed. Many soldiers—especially veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan—have participated in a special program offered by the Pentagon unit dubbed the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2008, which helped to incorporate them back into society (Nelson, 2012). Soldiers with the U.S. Marine Corps were offered education, low-interest mortgages and loans, and paid tuitions. Although previous studies (Abrahms, 2012; Nelson, 2002; Offner, 2012) have concentrated on the influence of these benefits in transforming soldiers’ lives, there has been little focus on the impact of education in helping them find better jobs and the subsequent job satisfaction that would enable them to fit into a normal lifestyle. According to Offner (2012), veterans face problem in finding jobs. Abrahms (2002) noted that the current state of the economy, which is paralyzed with high rates of unemployment and underemployment, also affects the ability of the least educated to get jobs. Returning veterans thus find themselves competing with more-educated workers for job placements. In addition, Offner (2012) pointed out, although some of these soldiers were lucky enough to find jobs, they could not effectively handle those jobs, due to lack of job satisfaction. This will form the main basis of the present research paper. Background of the Problem Many U.S. Marine Corps veterans have spent a considerable period of their lives on the battlefield. Studies by Nelson (2012) indicated that incidents on the battlefield in such places as Iraq and Afghanistan caused these soldiers psychological pain and trauma. Nelson further indicated that the process of social integration among U.S. Marine Corps veterans during their homecoming was characterized by a mixture of feelings and emotions. While friends and relatives left at home had advanced academically and improved their social class, the soldiers were less educated, their education having stagnated. The civilians had acquired higher education, gotten married, and improved their lifestyles, whereas the returning Marine Corps had to restart

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case Study on Cafe Espresso Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

On Cafe Espresso - Case Study Example Thus, from being the number one in the market, Caf Espresso has slipped to the number three position. Internally, the company suffers high staff turnover and low employee morale thus, hampering the ability of the workforce to convey excellent customer service. In this situation, two personalities have been instrumental in regaining the leadership which had been enjoyed by the specialty coffee retailer-the charismatic Chief Executive Officer Ben Thomson and the new global HR director Kam Patel. In solving the problem that the company faces, Ben Thomson has drawn the company's intended direction while Kam Patel aligned its workforce with the identified goals and objectives. This example illustrates how strategic human resource management works in a business organisation. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) defines strategic human resource management as a "general approach to the strategic management of human resources in accordance to the intentions of the organisation on the future direction it wants to take" adding that "it is concerned with longer-term people issues and macro-concerns about structure, quality, culture, values, commitment, and matching resources to future need." What becomes apparent in these definitions is the function of the human resource department to align the company's workforce for the attainment of its goals. Human resource alignment calls for the integration of people with the results the company is trying to obtain (CIPD 2007). Doing this provides various benefits for a business organisation. In the case of Caf Espresso, this is manifested by the competitive advantage that it enjoys from the alignment.The importance of human resource in a business organization is emphasized by strategic human reso urce management. John Purcell who is known to have pioneered in this field, highlighted the importance of employees in his research which emphasized the huge role played by the company's workforce as "strategic partners." This research strongly supports the highly economist viewpoint of Grant (2002: 219) of "aligning employees with organizational goals." Schuler and Jackson (1987) gave a more precise description on how management should "align" their workforce to support the company crafted strategy. Their conclusion was: If management chooses a competitive strategy of differentiation through product innovation, this would call for high levels of creative, risk-orientated and cooperative behaviour. The company's HR practices would therefore need to emphasise "selecting highly skilled individuals, giving employees more discretion, using minimal controls, making greater investment in human resources, providing more resources for experimentation, allowing and even rewarding failure and appraising performance for its long run implications" - on the other hand if management wants to pursue cost leadership (the model) suggests designing jobs which are fairly repetitive, training workers as little as is practical, cutting staff numbers to the minimum and rewarding high output and predictable behaviour.

Monetary Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Monetary Economics - Essay Example Monetary Economic growth is generally thought of as one-dimensional and is measured by increase in income. Monetary Economic development involves structural and functional changes and appropriate system of money supply. In the absence of effective measures of the latter however, states of development are estimated by the growth of income. Ordinarily, levels of income and rates of increase are given on a per capita basis, to approximate measures of efficiency and welfare (Shin, 2005, 1117). There are broadly three periods in the early history of monetary economic thought. The first is the period of early industrialisation in Europe, the second is the period of industrial revolution in England, i.e. the period from about 1775 to 1832, and the third period falls in the third quarter of the nineteenth century when other countries like Germany and the United States began to catch up with Britain and finally overtook it as the leading industrial power of the world. But monetary economic development as a discipline comprising systematic and scientific study may be said to have developed over the last few decades (Hahn, 2001). According to Malthus, as long as the wage level is above a certain minimum w0/ population tend to grow very rapidly. Since the actual w never rises above w0/ any short-run increase of the wage is sufficient to provoke a large enough upsurge in population to bring the wage down to a minimum level. Thus, if once the whole world were inhabited, population would increase in an arithmetic ratio as resources do, and not show a tendency of increasing in a geometric ratio, and then there would be progress. But this progress would consist of a proportional increase in the total quantity of capital and the total number of workers. There would be no increase in the standard of living since by hypothesis, every increase in the living standards, i.e.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Job eveluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Job eveluation - Research Paper Example Jointly, job evaluation, and job pricing determine what every job ought to pay. This guarantees that the pay is fair in two manners: internally, so that occupations that are moderately of larger value to the firm are paid more as compared to those of minimal value; and externally, So that rates rewarded to jobs in the firm are competitive with those remunerated by other organizations in the labor market for equivalent work. Job assessment establishes the comparative worth of a job with a different job or several others. It does not place pay rates that are the function of job pricing; relatively, it contrasts jobs with each other or gauges them against an average for instance, an Executive Secretary compared to a Stenographer, the Secretary is at a higher rank than the Stenographer. This sort of information is of importance to the firm since it acts as the basis for many elements in the program of human resource. ... on offers the organization a system for allocating rates of wage to lately generated occupations compliant with their contribution to the organization (Kay, 2005). A novel occupation, for example, an E-mail Order Clerk, can be assessed and put in the apposite grade. This makes certain that the E-mail Clerk Order employed by the organization will be compensated in a just manner according to other occupations in the firm since the job has been put in a grade with other positions of equivalent value. Through a program, that is formal of job assessment the organization can give a sound foundation for the rates rewarded to staff members who are shifted, relegated, or raised from one occupation to another (Hessaramiri and Hleiner, 2001). Since job evaluation provides us with comparative worth of every position, we recognize that when a staff member transfers from a Stenographer to an Executive Secretary, this is a raise to an occupation of imperatively elevated value to the organization an d therefore, worthy of an increased pay rate. In conclusion, job evaluation is the strengthening for an effectual program of personnel performance assessment (Lipman, 2001). If there is no structure that sets occupations in the appropriate grades comparative to each other, there is bigger probability that base rates will be erroneous, and whichever attempt to relate performance with compensation will be prevented. Job Evaluation There are four essential techniques that are made use of to assess the comparative worth of occupations to the organization: ranking, factor comparison, classification, and point method. All of these techniques encompass their pros and cons and is better matched to specific forms of firm than others (Van, Voskuijl & Thierry, 2001). Therefore, cautious choice of the

The developments of salt glazed and alkaline glazed Assignment

The developments of salt glazed and alkaline glazed - Assignment Example These colors together with the introduction of the salt glaze produced an attractive and eye-appealing pieces of artwork that made them stand above most of their competitors. Moreover, their style of using the quirky incised decorations of fish and birds on their pottery. Together with revolutionizing of pottery to wider wares made them stand above everybody else in the industry at that time (Quimby & Ian). Alkaline Glaze stoneware of Western Piedmont in the North Carolina is the most appealing among the other regions. Their potters were Daniel Seagle, Franklin and John Goodman, David Hartsoe, together with Ritchie and Reinhardt. They majored in making types of jugs of different sizes. They had modest farms and used clay that had a high percentage of iron and rutile that gave their wares the strength and attractive dark variegated appearance. In addition, they were among the few potteries that embraced slip painting and emblem decorations using different streaks of melted windowpane glasses. Furthermore, they were among the first potters to shift from the earth wares to stoneware, indicating their innovativeness (Quimby &

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Job eveluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Job eveluation - Research Paper Example Jointly, job evaluation, and job pricing determine what every job ought to pay. This guarantees that the pay is fair in two manners: internally, so that occupations that are moderately of larger value to the firm are paid more as compared to those of minimal value; and externally, So that rates rewarded to jobs in the firm are competitive with those remunerated by other organizations in the labor market for equivalent work. Job assessment establishes the comparative worth of a job with a different job or several others. It does not place pay rates that are the function of job pricing; relatively, it contrasts jobs with each other or gauges them against an average for instance, an Executive Secretary compared to a Stenographer, the Secretary is at a higher rank than the Stenographer. This sort of information is of importance to the firm since it acts as the basis for many elements in the program of human resource. ... on offers the organization a system for allocating rates of wage to lately generated occupations compliant with their contribution to the organization (Kay, 2005). A novel occupation, for example, an E-mail Order Clerk, can be assessed and put in the apposite grade. This makes certain that the E-mail Clerk Order employed by the organization will be compensated in a just manner according to other occupations in the firm since the job has been put in a grade with other positions of equivalent value. Through a program, that is formal of job assessment the organization can give a sound foundation for the rates rewarded to staff members who are shifted, relegated, or raised from one occupation to another (Hessaramiri and Hleiner, 2001). Since job evaluation provides us with comparative worth of every position, we recognize that when a staff member transfers from a Stenographer to an Executive Secretary, this is a raise to an occupation of imperatively elevated value to the organization an d therefore, worthy of an increased pay rate. In conclusion, job evaluation is the strengthening for an effectual program of personnel performance assessment (Lipman, 2001). If there is no structure that sets occupations in the appropriate grades comparative to each other, there is bigger probability that base rates will be erroneous, and whichever attempt to relate performance with compensation will be prevented. Job Evaluation There are four essential techniques that are made use of to assess the comparative worth of occupations to the organization: ranking, factor comparison, classification, and point method. All of these techniques encompass their pros and cons and is better matched to specific forms of firm than others (Van, Voskuijl & Thierry, 2001). Therefore, cautious choice of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Desert Rat-Kangaroo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 179

The Desert Rat-Kangaroo - Essay Example Although the desert environment is harsh, the desert rat kangaroo had adapted to the conditions and survived in the ecosystem until interference in its natural habitat contributed majorly to its extinction. Humans were both directly and indirectly involved in the alteration of the mammal’s natural habitat by introducing herbivores such as rabbits and cattle, setting off an imbalance in the ecosystem. Fire regimes also played a key role in the destruction of the habitat (Fisher & Blomberg, 2010). Although the rat kangaroo was largely independent of water, there was increased competition for green plant with beetles. Other factors for its extinction include predation by foxes and cats. Since they were relatively small and hence vulnerable to predators, much of their self defense was in the ability to make high and quick leaps. The extinction of the desert rat kangaroo did not impact on the desert food chain significantly mainly because it was a replaceable species. More importan tly, they were not direct competitors of surface water with any other species because all their water requirements were met by the water contained in the green plants in their diet. Being herbivorous animals, their role in the ecosystem was gradually assumed by cattle as the rat kangaroo’s population diminished. However, the population of beetles, weevils and other small insects of which the rat kangaroo was a key consumer increased. The most notable difference was a decline in the number of desert fox (Fisher & Blomberg, 2010). The orangutan is a primate that depends entirely on forests for survival. Unfortunately, high illegal and legal logging and deforestation rates are contributing to its increasingly endangered status.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Gender Roles in Sports Essay Example for Free

Gender Roles in Sports Essay Gender Roles in Sports Ever since the beginning of the Olympics Games in Greece in 776 B. C. , women have always been put on the back burner when it comes to sports. To this day there are very noticeable differences in women’s sports compared the nature of men’s sports. Women and men alike experience their inequalities in sports. For example, of you were to ask a group of people what they would rather watch: women’s basketball or men’s basketball; generally speaking the majority of the group would favor watching men’s basketball. On the contrary, most individuals would rather watch women’s synchronized swimming as opposed to men’s synchronized swimming. Sports and all things involved are a business. Men playing professional sports get paid drastically more than women playing professional sports. It would be highly unlikely for a woman to get paid a 60 million dollar contract over six years like a man in professional sports would. According to www. therichest. org, soccer player David Beckham is currently worth 219 million dollars. He made 40 million dollars last year. If you compare that to the highest paid women’s athlete, Maria Sharapova, who made over 25 million dollars, this fact proclaims that fans pay drastically more to see males to play professional sports. According to www. therichest. org, the ten highest paid professional women’s athlete made 113 million dollars over the past twelve months, up only one percent from the year 2010. The ten highest paid, professional male sports athletes collectively made 449 million dollars. The reason they set up the Olympics Games like they did in 776 B. C. , by not allowing to participate or even watch, is because the spectators wanted to only have the strongest, fastest, and most durable to play and even witness the games. The games were a tribute to the Greek God Zeus. The people of Greece wanted to show Zeus the best of the best in their society. People don’t want to watch women play sports just like they don’t want to watch dumb people play chess or jeopardy. It’s logic, not sexism. When you watch the WNBA the most exciting thing you see is a backwards layup or a no look pass. When you watch the NBA, you see a man doing three hundred sixty degree slam dunks and all kinds of other cool tricks that naturally appease the like of their fans. The dynamic presence of men doing what women can’t inevitably draw’s a bigger crowd. Contact sports especially have a really addictive and enticing nature about them that women’s sports simply don’t have. All these aspects of contact driven sports are masculine, testosterone driven traits that are unlike the nature of women. This is the main reason their participation is absent and men dominate the sports fan’s wants. Gender inequality in sports has always been a growing problem up until June 23, 1973 when President Nixon signed Title IX. This law was a huge victory for women in the fight for equality in sports. â€Å"The law prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity within any institution any type of Federal financial assistance,† according to Duffy. This was women’s first chance to gain legal equality in sports. Women didn’t just get equality from this law, but they also got opportunity for equality. This law addressed the historical discrimination women have faced ever since the beginning of the Olympics first came about in 776 B. C. There is no women’s professional football team or any kind of football league for women. Men are not interested in watching women play the types of sports that men are always going to be better at. The only exception is women’s football where they play wearing lingerie; it’s sick how society works like that. The NBA is in a lock out as this paper is being typed. You can see the progress on the news every day. If the WNBA were to be in a lockout, the chances of it being on the news every day is highly unlikely. There are in fact sports that women are becoming more popular in like golf, gymnastics, figure skating, volleyball, and tennis. These sports complement the shape of a woman’s body. Also, figure skating, volleyball, and gymnastics are sports the women are especially better at due to their elegant figures and different bone structure. The stars of these sports are portrayed as sexy, curvy, graceful, and radiant. Men who are famous with sports like basketball, football, baseball, and soccer are known to be strong, dominant, and masculine. â€Å"The thought was that if women participated in strenuous activity that they would damage their reproductive organs, which would ultimately not fulfill an absurd belief that the primary role of women in society was to have children and care for the men,† heard from the thoughts of Murphy. Women in society in general are the face of modeling and sexy images. Commercials, advertisements, and every day television programs have sexy women posing with whatever it is they are trying to sell. This works the same way with them in sports. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition has a whole lot of sexy women posing in skimpy swimwear. That goes the same for the sports they’re involved in that are popular. For these reasons, women dominate those sports which lead to their popularity when it came to people watching them. There’s always the stereotype that women are lesbians or dikes for playing sports that require adequate physical strength and endurance. For instance, bodybuilding has always been a man’s sport. Women are always thought to be feminine and when you see a woman who is at least twice your size; judgments go through the roof not only with the judges, but with the audience as well. In Jennifer Banas topic of Women Athletes in Male Dominated Sports, she speaks her mind when saying, â€Å"Now, the contestants should be judged on muscle tone of the body right. Wrong. In order to define which women has the best and most well defined body, the judges feel compelled to define â€Å"body† in relation to â€Å"women. Recalling a time there was a girl at my old high school that graduated and went on to join a volleyball team at a college. After her first visit home, she was utterly disappointed to find her peers had started a rumor about her that she was a lesbian and that’s why she joined the team in the first place. It broke her heart to get that type of support, or lack thereof, from the people she grew up with who fully knew she was never a lesbian. Football is another example of this. If a woman decides she wants to become a football player, she should not have to worry about what her peers are going to say or think about her. She shouldn’t have to worry about being called those names like lesbian and dike if she wants to be a football player. When it comes to being in these competitions with lady football players, the judgments are a bit skewed and distorted due to the fact that men are typically associated with strong and large muscles. So when spectators have to look at a female figure, that has the typical aspects of a male’s figure, it can be a little confusing. The assumptions and discrimination still goes on to this day even if there is a law prohibiting it. It has been an issue since sports were first celebrated on a large scale in Greece 776 B. C. Although society is slowly but surely progressing towards a more open-minded view when it comes to sports, there is always going to be a gap when it comes to overall crowd appeal. Men’s sports are more interesting to watch simply due to the fact that they are better, faster, stronger, and intense. It all boils down to the money, and men’s sports generate more money. For these reasons gender inequality will always be a persisting problem in sports. Work Citied Page Duffy, Felice M. (2000). Twenty-seven years post title ix. http://heinonline. org/ http://serendip. brynmawr. edu/local/scisoc/sports02/papers/emurphy. html http://www. therichest. org/sports/forbes-highest-paid-female-athletes/   http://serendip. brynmawr. edu/local/scisoc/sports02/papers/jbanas. html

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Analysis of Solubility and Forming Microemulsions

Analysis of Solubility and Forming Microemulsions Chapter 5 Materials and methods to study  formulation models 5.1. Materials Oils and Surfactants: Ethyl Oleate obtained from Sigma-Aldrich; FK-Sunflower Oil obtained from Fresenius Kabi; FK-MCT Oil obtained from Fresenius Kabi; Miglyol 840 obtained from Sasol; Tween 80 viscous liquid obtained from Sigma-Aldrich; Labrasol obtained from Gattefossà ©; Model API. Devices: Sartorius, Scale Extend, Model ED2245; IKA RET basic, magnetic stirrer; Thermo Electron Corporation, HERAEUS Pico17 centrifuge; UV-spectrophotometer, Eppendorf BioSpectrometer, Kinetic. Other Equipment: Magnetic stir bars; Disposable plastic eppis, Eppendorf, with volume 1.5ml; Disposable plastic cuvettes, Plastibrand, 1.5ml semimicro (12.5 x 12.5 x 45mm); Disposable plastic pipettes, Eppendorf 3ml; Metal spatulas; Glass beakers; Glass bottles with lids; Disposable latex gloves; Protective glasses, shoes and lab coat. Specialized software: Origin Pro 8, by OriginLab Corporation. 5.2. Solubility tests To evaluate which oils and surfactants present better results at forming microemulsions, we pre-selected four different oils and two different surfactants to perform solubility tests with our model API. The oils tested were Ethyl Oleate, FK-Sunflower Oil, FK-MCT Oil, and Miglyol 840. Moreover, the surfactants used were Tween 80 viscous liquid and Labrasol. As shown in Fig. 1 solubility tests were performed using the following method: Firstly, an excessive amount of our API was added with a metal spatula to a concentrate (oil, surfactant or mixture). The chemicals were precisely weighed, and the resulting suspension was mixed, at room temperature, for 16h at 480rpm, at 21 ºC, on the magnetic stirrer. Secondly, the resulting mixed suspension was transferred to disposable plastic eppis and centrifuged at 10000 g for 10min. Thirdly, a new dilution was prepared using the supernatant that resulted from centrifugation. This new dilution must be much less concentrated in order to be measured by UV-Spectrometry. Lastly, the dilution was taken for analytics in a UV-spectrophotometer, where the absorbance values were measured at 425nm, using disposable plastic cuvettes. Other materials used during the procedure were disposable plastic pipettes, small glass beakers and small glass bottles with lids. The method was repeated three times for each oil, surfactant and mixture stock solution. The dilutions were also repeated three times for higher accuracy in the results. Fig. 1. Scheme showing the solubility test procedure. In order to analyze the data, the maximum values of diluted API in the concentrate were calculated from a calibration line for each of the mixtures (API + concentrate) being tested. The UV-spectrometry measurements were repeated three times for more accurate results. 4.3. Emulsifying capacity evaluation by PDMPD method In the second phase of our formulations study, we wanted to evaluate emulsifying capacity. We used the Phase Diagram by Micro Plate Dilution (PDMPD) method that consists in gradually diluting the oil phase with the water phase in a microtitre plate. The PDMPD method is an efficient and innovative approach that allows time and material savings while creating pseudo ternary phase diagrams for microemulsions and nanoemulsions. Compared with the traditional titration method (drop method), the PDMPD method enables a more exact status description of mixtures in pseudo ternary diagrams. It offers as well the possibility of examining the dilution stages simultaneously on just one microplate (Schmidts et al., 2009). Microemulsion assays consisting of a water phase, an oil phase, and a surfactant phase were prepared on microtiter plates (96 wells) as shown in Fig. 1 and described by Maeder, U., et. al in â€Å"Hardware and software system for automatic microemulsion assay evaluation by analysis of optical properties† (2010) with slight modifications. Fig.1. Filling scheme for the microtiter plates. Inside each well, the upper value corresponds to the water phase and the bottom value to the oil plus surfactant phase. The preparation is described bellow: Firstly, the mixtures of oil and surfactants were prepared by weighing (Sartorius, Scale Extend, model ED2245), adding, and magnetically stirring the chosen oil and surfactant. The magnetic stirring process is done using the IKA RET basic, magnetic stirrer, at speed 480rpm, for one hour, at 21 ºC. To evaluate the five different ratios between one oil and one surfactant five different mixtures were prepared, as shown in Table 1. In total 20 mixtures were tested to assess the following mixtures: Tween80+EO; Tween80+MCT; Tween80+Mig840 and Tween80+(MCT,EO). For more accurate results, each was prepared and tested three times making a total of sixty mixtures made. Oil 1 Phase % Surfactant 1 Phase % Mixture 1 50 50 Mixture 2 40 60 Mixture 3 30 70 Mixture 4 20 80 Mixture 5 10 90 Table 1. Oil1/Surfactant1 mixing ratios Secondly, the wells were filled in two steps: In the first phase, starting in A1 and finishing in D4 the mixture is gradually loaded in the wells using a Pipette Research Plus, 200 µl, and disposable plastic pipette tips, Eppendorf, 200 µl. The filling process must be done with care to avoid air bubbles, which is especially hard with the more viscous oils. If air bubbles are present, the plate is not valid for the study and must be thrown away. In the second step, the aqueous phase is added, starting at D5 with 200ÃŽ ¼l up to A2 with 5ÃŽ ¼l. The microtitre plates used were Thermo Scientific* Nunc Flat Bottom 96-well polystyrene transparent plates with lids, 350 µl/well. The wells E1 to H5 of the same plate were loaded following the same procedure, but with a different mixture (different ratio of the surfactant and oil phase). Following this scheme, two fixed surfactant/oil-ratios can be placed on every plate. Table 2, below, illustrates the distribution. Plates Wells Content 1 A1-D5 Mixture 1 + Water 1 E1-H5 Mixture 2 + Water 2 A1-D5 Mixture 3 + Water 2 E1-H5 Mixture 4 + Water 3 A1-D5 Mixture 5 + Water Table 2. Mixtures distribution by plates Finally, the plates were sealed with their respective lids and were set in a Biometra, Rocking Platform, model WT15, for 16h, at maximum speed, with controlled temperature of 21 ºC. At the end of the 16h, the plates were scanned using a RICOH Aficio, scanner, model MP-C2551 with a pre-prepared marked lid. Each plate was repeated a minimum of three times and in different days. From the analysis of the several repetitions, it was determined which combinations resulted in the formation of microemulsion. This study consisted of observing the scans and attributing a 0 when a well showed turbidity and a 1 when was transparent, and it was possible to see clearly the marked dot on the bottom of the well. Two observers did this analysis and the results were crossed checked. When the sum of the three test was 2 or 3, the preparation was considered an emulsion. When the sum was 0 or 1, it was not considered an emulsion as depicted in Table 3. Table 3. Determination of emulsifying capacity of wells A1-A7 of plates 16, 21 and 25 containing a mixture of Tween80% and Mig840 (1:1). After the determination of emulsifying capacity phase diagrams were built. The software used was Origin Pro 8, by OriginLab Corporation. Fig. 2 shows one of the phase diagrams built. Each red point represents an emulsion formulation identified and each white point a non-emulsion. For each line in the diagram 3 plates were prepared and analyzed. Fig. 2 Phase diagram To develop this method, several pre-tests were made in different conditions. In the first experimental setup the vortex was used to shake 2 overlying plates, as shown on Fig.3, at speeds 3, 2 and 1 and then one single plate at speeds 3, 2 and 1, for 16h. These pre-tests showed unrepeatable results and spilling. Therefore, the method was changed: the vortex was substituted by the rocking platform. Different time periods were also pre-tested. Testing plates were set on the rocking platform for 8h, 9h, 16h, 18h, 20h and 22h. The chosen mixing time was 16h as it was the minimum length time tested for which reproducible results were observed, i.e., 18h, 20h and 22h showed the same results as 16h mixing on the Rocket Platform. Fig. 3 – abandoned experimental setup using vortex and two overlying plates

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Oedipus: A Tragic Hero Essay -- Oedipus Rex, Sophocles

Oedipus: A Tragic Hero Oedipus Rex, or Oedipus the King is Sophocles’s first play of â€Å"The Theban Cycle.† It tells the story of a king that tries to escape his fate, but by doing so he only brings about his downfall. Oedipus is a classic example of the Aristotelian definition of a tragic hero. Aristotle defines a tragic hero as a basically good and noble person who causes his own downfall due to a flaw in his character. Oedipus is a man of noble blood; his parents, who raised him as a child, were King Polybus and Queen Merope of Corinth. Oedipus also becomes a king himself when he solves the Sphinx’s riddle, thus saving Thebes and taking over the throne of the late King Laius. Oedipus then marries Jocasta, Laius’s widow, and they have children together. Though he is a very fair and understanding husband, Oedipus’s main concern is always the city of Thebes. When a plague strikes the city, Oedipus refused sleep until he finds the cause, and he, â€Å"†¦sent Creon,†¦To Delphi, Apollo’s place of revelation, To learn there, if he can, What act or pledge of mine may save the city† (Sophocles 1257). Oedipus then vows to find who killed King Laius after Creon reveals that Laius’s death must be avenged so that the plague will be dispersed. Oedipus, a great and noble king was flawed by his hubris, or spiritual pride. Oedipus believes that he could avoid what the oracle told him long ago: he would kill his father and then marry his mother. Instead of returning to his...

Friday, October 11, 2019

History report Essay

1. Life in the big cities of Europe when Columbus set sail in 1492 were unhealthy, unsanitary, and very brutal conditions. Many poor and people who couldn’t support themselves would starve to death and also many people were dying of diseases that were spreading through the cities. â€Å"For most of its people a land of violence, squalor, treachery, and intolerance. † In-migration from the countryside was a vital part to if the cities were to be saved from going extinct. Conditions with famine were harsh. â€Å"The rich ate, and ate to excess, watched by a thousand hungry eyes as they consumed their gargantuan meals. The rest of the population starved† The slightest fluctuation in food price could cause the sudden death of thousands. 2. If one ventured outside the cities of Europe to the countryside, the quality of life was no better. â€Å"Areas such as Castile and Andalusia were wracked with harvest failures that brought on mass death. † With the harsh conditions people frequently turned on each other during witchcraft hysteria. â€Å"Because of the dismal social conditions and prevailing social values it was a place filled with malice and hatred, temporarily bound by the majority in order to harry and persecute the local witch. † 3. The wealthy of Europe were preoccupied by their need for foreign luxuries. The wealthy were after silver and gold, while on Columbus’s expedition that is what they were out to seek. â€Å"The crusades had begun four centuries earlier, had increased the appetites of affluent Europeans for foreign luxuries. † Columbus had set on his expedition and reached The New Land but the native people he encountered did not have an abundance of gold like he had expected. Columbus came up with the system called the requerimento, to help encourage the Native Americans into finding gold. If they objected to the offer they would make war against the Native Americans and kill or taken slaves. 4. Columbus’s first impression on the New World was that it was filled with new opportunities and was beautiful. He wasn’t used to the different ways of the Native Americans; many didn’t wear clothing and were not as progressed or as modernized. C Columbus’s landing in the new world was significant to the Catholic Church in Spain because, †Each time the Spanish encountered a native individual they were ordered to read to the Indians a statement informing them of the truth of Christianity and the necessity to swear immediate allegiance to the Pope and to the Spanish crown. 5. The requerimiento in a way was just an excuse to be brutal to the natives because the Spanish usually didn’t wait for them to even respond and they were put into chains, also they didn’t understand the language so they had no opportunity to reply. The disease that most likely killed the Native Americans on the second voyage was malaria. The reason Spaniards weren’t as affected was because the Natives hadn’t built up immunity to the diseases they were being exposed to. â€Å"Samuel Eliot Morison diagnosed it as either malaria or something caused by drinking well water or eating strange fish. † 6. Yes, I think these words in a way apply to what the Spanish did to the native people they encountered. I think this because they were being unreasonable and for no reason being very brutal to the natives and killing them and taking them as prisoners. They weren’t even given a fair chance; the Spanish invaded the native’s land and took everything from them because of their consuming greed for gold.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Deming Concept

W. Edwards Deming was considered to be way ahead of his time. His philosophical ideas were also considered radical in the United States during the 1950’s, but were quickly adopted by Japan. He developed what later became known as Deming’s 14 points, that would later launch the Total Quality Management Movement in the United States, which were not actually accepted until the 1980’s. One of his philosophies that I found interesting was Point #5: â€Å"Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs. This philosophy was foreign in the 1950’s, where managers’ philosophy was focused more on power and control. Deming’s concept leaned more towards a teacher/student relationship, instead of the power and control focus of his time. Humans are very resistant to change however, and that is why I feel this is an important concept that some companies still strugg le with today. My employer for example, Lowe’s Distribution Center, has some managers that don’t like to change processes because â€Å"it is the way they like it to be done†. Deming’s philosophy involved a new focus, which involved management to constantly be looking for improvements that can be made in both their processes, and technology that would reduce cost. Our computer system that controls every function in our facility is about 22 years old, and is outdated to the point where it has employees repeat steps to convince the computer system the task has been completed. Inefficient methods lead to higher cost. Higher costs in turn seem to add to our society’s need for power and control, resulting in increased pressure on team members to make up for the inefficiencies of the system. At this point, team members than reduce quality to meet increased expectations, resulting in decreased customer satisfaction. The long-term result involves lower profit margin and decreased sales, which all could have been avoided if Deming’s points were followed in the first place, by replacing or updating the equipment. Deming’s philosophy also referred to the service industry. If improvements were made to meet the expectations of customers, than overall costs would be decreased. This is commonly still seen today with new technology being put on the market, only to be recalled later when it is tested and announced to be â€Å"unsafe. For example, the recall of the Toyota model Prius, which was found to have quality issues with the clips that hold the floor mats in place. If the clips came loose, the mats could slide and hold down the accelerator, which risked causing an accident. This recall was estimated to cost Toyota around two billion dollars, as well as a loss o f $100,000 in sales in both the U. S. and Europe. Imagine if Toyota had invested more in the quality side of producing the clips, and the savings that would have came with it. Deming’s philosophies triggered the Total Quality Management movement in the 1980’s. Beforehand, factories focused solely on productions numbers, without even taking quality into consideration. I can see why Deming’s ideas weren’t accepted at first, if you think back to how things probably were in the 1950’s. Not to mention the increased costs that comes with higher quality. For example, a shoe factory probably only had two options for shoes, black or white. Now we have a large selection of brands to choose from, each representing a different level of quality. With the focus now being on quality, businesses can provide a higher level of customer satisfaction, bringing different levels of quality to meet their customer’s budget, as well as expectations. Having strict levels of quality guidelines in the service industry, especially in fast food, customers are more reassured that they are consuming food that is safe, and has met requirements set by health inspectors. Deming’s philosophies have also made our business processes more efficient. Businesses today focus on the future, and predict possible changes they would need to adopt to survive. Technology is constantly changing, and is also bringing a higher level of quality to both manufacturing and service industries. In conclusion, I think Deming’s philosophies are vital today to businesses survival. For a business to get ahead of the competition, they need to not only be efficient, but also possess a certain level of accepted quality by consumers. Quality continues to improve as new technology emerges on the market, and processes are continually evaluated. Any business would benefit by following Deming’s 14 points.

Solution-Focused Therapy Essay

Solution–focused therapy (SFT), unlike other forms of therapy argues that a person doesn’t have to understand any problem in order to resolve the problem and that the solution isn’t necessarily related to the problem. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief overview, description and rationale of Solution-focused therapy as well as an explanation of the therapeutic processes involved in SFT. This paper will also demonstrate through case example; systemic case conceptualization/hypotheses, goals of treatment, as well as interventions used through the entire treatment plan process. Solution-focused therapy â€Å"focuses on people’s competence rather than their deficits, their strengths rather than their weaknesses, their possibilities rather than their limitations† (O’Hanlon, H., Weiner-Davis, M. (1989, p. 1.). Solution-focused therapy (SFT), also known as Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) was developed in the 1980’s by Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg, along with their team, Patricia Hudson, Williams – Hanlon, Eve Lipchilk, Jane Peller, Scott Miller, John Walter, and Michelle Wiener-Davis from the Brief Family Therapy Family Center in Milwaukee, USA. This theory was based on over twenty years of empirical research, theoretical development, as well as clinical practice. Solution focused therapy (SFT) targets the desired therapeutic outcomes of therapy as a solution without focusing on the issues or behaviors that brought the client to therapy. This form of therapy is a competency based model which is different in many ways from the traditional theories or approaches (Berg, I.K., (1994). The therapist encourages the client to envision their ideal future; collaborating with the client to establish a group of steps needed to achieve the desired goal. By examining and analyzing the client’s vision, the therapist can determine what abilities, skills and resources the client can develop and use in order to achieve the envisioned outcome. de Shazer, S., (1985), suggests that the client is the expert; the development of a solution is not necessarily related to the problem; if something works, continue with it; if something doesn’t work, do something different; if it isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it. The therapeutic process for SFT is always the same regardless of the client’s concerns. SFT behavioral analyses are made of the exceptions instead of the problem. SFT uses the process of  operant conditioning: the discussion and implementation of the client’s desired behavior is recognized and complimented by the therapist (positive reinforcement), the conversation and actions of undesired behavior is stifled (frustrative non-reward) due to the therapist’s lack of recognition. SFT also uses the process-of classical conditioning: the therapist suggests a homework assignment the client such as, doing something different or to ‘pretend the miracle has happened’ (counter conditioning) (Bannink, F. P., (2007). Joining with the client means having a discussion about the client’s issue or presenting problems prior to the first scheduled session. It is important for the therapist to pay attention to any changes made previous to the first therapeutic session. Once that has taken place; the focus shifts to the here and now and focuses on how clients change instead of diagnosing and treating problems. Signature questions are used in SFT interview sessions and are meant to establish a therapeutic process where the therapist effectively listens to the client’s words; while the client expresses what is important to them, their wants, needs and related successes. The therapist then formulates and asks other questions by being cognoscente of the client’s use of key words and phrases. It is also important to continue the effective listening process as the clients continue to answer questions based on their frame of reference. Through this continual process of listening, connecting and absorbing, along with the client responding; the therapist and client together can construct new and adjusted meanings that work toward building positive solutions. Structured feedback from the therapist should look at the client’s strengths and establish the next steps towards the future, concluding the session. How change is brought about Solution Focused therapy focuses on promoting change in the direction of the client’s goals. When a client enters into a therapist’s care, the Solution Focused model follows a set of questions that will dictate where a client is starting from. Where a client is staring from is simply defined as where a client is willing to begin in the therapy process, which includes the amount of disclosure the client may be willing to exhibit. The therapist using this model may first ask the clients a question of what is the problem. This should then lead into what is the main cause of this problem. Next, the  client may be asked what maintains the problem. After these questions are answered or at least attempted by the client, the therapist should have an idea about the client’s patterns of behavior and thinking around the problem. Having this knowledge will give the therapist a starting point from which to work from (Walter & Peller, 1992). By understanding where the client is at right now, the therapist is able to construct solutions using the Solution Focused model. To construct solutions, there remain some assumptions, these may include; that there is a solution to the problem or that multiple solutions exist. That the solutions are constructible, the therapist and the client are able to construct the solutions and that the therapist and the client construct and or invent solutions rather than discover them. Finally, after solutions have been constructed, the therapist would want this process to be modeled in order for it to be implemented by the client. In short, step one; find out what the client wants. Step two, look for what is working and do more of that. Step three, do something different. Solution Focused therapy is the answer to the question of how do we construct solutions? It is a total model; it encompasses a way of thinking, a way of conversing with clients and a way of constructing solutions interactively. Solution Focused therapy is not a collaboration of techniques; rather it reflects fundamental notions about change, about interaction and about attaining goals. The focus in therapy is shifted from the past to present day, where we look for causes and map patterns of problem maintenance (Walter & Peller, 1992). Case Study Elise, an African American/Caucasian woman, and Lionel, an African American male and have been in a married for two years and both are 27 years of age. They reported having no children, but both desire to have children before they reach 30 years of age. They both wanted to seek counseling because they argue constantly and can’t seem to resolve the conflict in their relationship. Elise reports she withdraws whenever Lionel loses his temper. She states â€Å"he just explodes over the slightest thing and this behavior must change before we bring children into this world!† Elise also expressed that Lionel becomes verbally abusive and loud. Lionel has expressed having irrational behavior and acting out since he was a child. His parents never seemed to pay attention or worry about this behavior. Hypothesis Establishing effective communication skills will dissolve unresolved conflict. Early-Phase Goals 1. Develop and maintain a supportive relationship with Lionel and Elise. a.Allow Elise and Lionel to share in their own versions of the problem story, while effectively listening for the highlighting strengths, exceptions and resources. b.Maintain a beginner’s mind to assist in understanding each client’s perspective on Lionel’s outbursts and other couple issues, while exploring and remaining sensitive to the couple’s perspective. 2. Begin the process of identifying exceptions, possibilities, and possible solutions to Lionel’s outbursts/Elise’s withdrawal and the couple’s ability to resolve conflict. a.Discuss the communication issue as something that is solvable and in terms of solution. b.Identify Elise’s and Lionel’s strengths and resources and individuals and as a couple. Middle-Phase Goals 1. Increase number of respectful communication exchanges between Lionel and Elise that allow each to feel heard. a.Using scaling questions to identify small steps to be taken by Lionel and Elise between sessions that will move them closer to maintaining open, healthy by directing them to scale improvements in communication (one being no positive changes in communication and ten being the desired communication interaction). b.Monitor exceptions to Lionel’s outbursts/Elise’s withdrawal and times when the outbursts were not a problem. 2. Assist couple in learning to resolve conflict without angry, explosive episodes or withdrawal. a.Monitor exceptions when Lionel and Elise have been able to resolve conflict successfully and identify factors that led to the successful outcome. b.Scale changes in conflict-resolution skills. c.Compliment progress and solutions. Late-Phase Goals 1. Increase couple’s readiness for children and parenting. a.Allow Lionel and Elise to discuss readiness for children and parenting while effectively listening for strengths and resources. b.Scale the couple’s readiness to  parent and take steps to get on track. c.Compliment existing strengths and identify additional strengths and resources. 2. Highlight progress and attainment of goals and develop a plan for anticipated challenges, identifying Lionel and Elise’s strengths, resources, and solutions. a.Identify what changes have worked and the best strategies for staying on track. b.Focus on future-oriented talk and highlight use of solutions in the future. c.Compliment on progress, change, and achievement in communication and conflict-resolution skills and Lionel’s diminished verbal outbursts. Therapist’s Thoughts Although this therapist therapy of choice is Multigenerational Family Therapy; Solution-focused has its attributes, such as the Miracle Question. The genius behind this question is that it forces you to stop thinking about why you can’t achieve something and allows you to imagine how your life could be if something miraculous occurred. Solution-Focused therapy empowers the client with the ability to find resolution to their own issues and problems. This therapist feels that Solution-focused therapy is an appropriate addition to the Family Systems concepts. References Bannink, F. P. (2007). Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: Journal Of Contemporary Psychotherapy, (2), 87. Berg, I.K. (1994). Family Based Services: A Solution-Focused Approach. New York: Norton & Co. de Shazer, S. (1985). Keys to solution in brief therapy. New York: Norton. O’Hanlon H., Weiner-Davis, M. (1989). In Search of Solutions: A New Direction in Psychotherapy. New York: Norton. Walter, J. L., Peller, J. E. (1992). Becoming solution-focused in brief therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Journalism, mass media and communication. Worksheet Essay

Journalism, mass media and communication. Worksheet - Essay Example Firstly, he examines the structural patterns of the publishing industry, where he argues that the present circumstances affecting the industry are major challenges that only require public commissioning to solve. Current challenges affecting the industry include online and digital technologies, whereby more and more young people are embracing online technologies. He also discusses the effect of in-depth research in the industry, which can help in revitalizing the industry to be able to meet current challenges (Hind and Stern-Weiner). Article 2: The second article is about a conversation with John Scher, the Co-CEO of a concert and live event promotion company based in the New York City: the Metropolitan Entertainment. Scher examines the various changes in the concert business, as he compares the present day business environment with four decades ago. He also examines challenges in concert promotion business, and points out the impact of having big publicly traded companies do concert promotion. The problem of the lack of young big acts is also a worrying trend in concert music, considering that those that rise to fame only do so for a short period. The need for a transformation in concert music is eminent for the concert promotion business to be successful (Hind and Stern-Weiner 3). Article3: The third article is entitled: Copyright and the Commodification of culture. The author explores the copyright institution in-depth, examining it as the institution that governs producing, distributing and the consumption of information and culture. He achieves this by firstly exploring the origin of copyright in relation to the rise of capitalism together with the printing press. He also examines the growth of the culture industry and how it used copyright to develop and maintain market dominance. Another important issue discussed is on processes of legislation, litigation, encryption as well as market penetration relate to the growth and development of internet distribut ion of movies and music (Karr 2). 2. what questions would you ask the author (at least 2 questions) To the first author on the influence of power to publicity, I would ask the author what impact does he think in-depth research focused on general readership would have on the falling sales of books? The other question is with regard to his: Considering where the publishing is currently and the challenges, where do you see the industry in the next ten years? There are questions as well for the other author on the piece of music. What do you think has contributed to the lack of young big acts? Considering the challenges facing concert events and live event promotions what recommendations would you give to bring back the business to its glory? 3.Do you agree with the main premise of the reading? Why or why not?What evidence or personal experience would you offer to? Article 1: Yes, I agree with the main premise of the reading. From my personal experience with online books and articles, I believe that book publishing is under severe pressure and that innovative strategies are needed to renew the industry (Hind and Stern-Weiner 4). Article 2: With regard to the second article on music, however, I do not agree with the interviewee’s argument that the reason concert promoters are not having as many shows as they used to have in the past is because of the lack of big acts. I believe there are big acts and very promising young artists in the market. My argument is that the problem is with the promoters such as John Scher, who have been surpassed by the current times. They need to adopt to the changes in the music industry and start

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Polymerization Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Polymerization - Coursework Example The Tg decreases with the increasing temperature within the system of the reaction (Agnes 2010). The polymerization rate is also very strongly influenced by the size of the monomer side reactions which are of importance to the Tg of the copolymers. The Tg can be decreased through an increase in the reaction temperature. This is through increasing the rate of decomposition in the reaction leading to achieving the temperature that is high. This will facilitate the Tg whether its increase or decrease because this will be through regulation of the temperature. This is easy to achieve because regulation of temperature can be achieved easily. Optimum conditions should be achieved for any polymerization reaction that is the temperatures and the time due to the high value to the rate of polymerization and other properties of the final products for the reaction. Therefore in the copolymers given in order to achieve the Tg the temperature and the other conditions required in order to get the desired product in the copolymerization there must be an increase in the temperature of the reaction (Agnes 2010). But in case the Tg very high and it need lowered then this will be facilitated the decrease temperature order acquire the desired Tg This is a very important factor in any copolymerization that will ensure that the products reached are of the desired size and shape.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Intercultural Communication Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Intercultural Communication Paper - Essay Example Most migrants have assimilated into America’s traditions and ways of life. Although conventional cultural values and beliefs have been preserved by the originating migrants, their children have completely adapted and adjusted to Western culture. It is interesting to delve into finding out the factors which contribute to the academic performance of migrants’ children, specifically Korean Americans. Adolescents from today’s generation have grown with relatively antithetical thinking and preferences compared to generations that their grandparents and parents were accustomed to. Likewise, academic performance, attitudes and behaviors of previous generations were influenced by communication, among others; as well as traditional and conventional norms. Communication is the â€Å"process of transmitting thoughts, feelings, facts, and other information† through verbal or non-verbal means. (Delaune and Ladner 2006) Verbal messages are messages communicated with the use of words and language. These messages can either be spoken or written. Non verbal communication, on the other hand, is the process of transmitting messages without words, that is, through body language. (Delaune and Ladner 2006). In this regard, the objective of this essay is to proffer a scenario which manifests the relevance of intercultural communication in the academe, affecting the performance of students from another culture, particularly from Korea. A review of literature would initially be presented delving into the effect of communication to cultural diversity. Likewise, the methodology used would be explained in determining the academic achievement of Korean-American adolescents in schools in the US where a hypothesis is developed. Finally, through the interview conducted and through secondary sources, the effect of family, communication and culture in the academic achievement of Korean-American adolescents

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Trends at the Turn of the Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Trends at the Turn of the Century - Essay Example This study stresses that  African Americans have a longer connection to the US and have a larger support group with well-known civil rights organizations safeguarding their rights. Therefore African Americans have the opportunity to obtain economic and social advancement.   While the ability to speak two languages gives Mexican-Americans an upper-hand in seeking cultural and economic integration, it can be a challenge once they begin school when for the most part, Mexican-Americans do not speak English fluently. This was particularly problematic at the turn of the century when opportunities for early education were not fully supported by Federal funding such as the No Child Left Behind Act 2001.From this paper it is clear that  Mexican-Americans were increasingly establishing a reputation for hard work at the turn of the century and were able to take advantage of a number of opportunities for work that were rejected by Americans including African Americans. This included jobs i n domestic services and in farming. There was and continues to be a large demand for those jobs.   However, Mexican-Americans were challenged by the stereotyping in that there was a public attitude that Mexican-Americans were all illegal and were all taking jobs from Americans.  The progressive era reformers sought to recruit members on the merits of their goals and thus much of their influence came from lectures, publications, exposing corruption and reforms from the bottom up.  ... African Americans by comparison would have had at least a head start settling in the US and establishing roots and connections for one hundred years or more. Like African Americans however, Mexican Americans have struggled to establish their rightful place in US society. The challenge was more pronounced at the turn of the century than it is today. Mexican Americans, like African Americans were struggling against a tide of marginalization in education, economics and in mainstream society in general. Many Mexican Americans however, do not have legal status and are unable to demand equal protection of the law and equal opportunities. African Americans however, are for the most part, citizens of America and may insist on equal protection of the law and equal opportunities. Even so, African Americans have been able to seek welfare protection in terms of economic marginalization. This was and remains a major challenge for illegal Mexican Americans who eventually end up taking on labor for excessively low wages as a means of surviving in the US and even then it has always been an improvement on the lives they left behind in Mexico (Vasquez). African Americans have a longer connection to the US and have a larger support group with well-known civil rights organizations safeguarding their rights. Therefore African Americans have the opportunity to obtain economic and social advancement. While the ability to speak two languages gives Mexican-Americans an upper-hand in seeking cultural and economic integration, it can be a challenge once they begin school when for the most part, Mexican-Americans do not speak English fluently. This was particularly problematic at the turn of the century when opportunities for early education were not fully supported by Federal

Friday, October 4, 2019

Fire Truck Pumps and Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fire Truck Pumps and Operations - Essay Example Unlike a Positive Displacement Pump, a centrifugal pump may be described as a rotodynamic pump which facilitates a rotating impeller to increase the pressure of the fluids. The fluid would enter the pump impeller close to the rotating axis and is accelerated by the impeller, flowing radially outward into a diffuser or casing. The main purpose or aim of the centrifugal pump is to provide the required pressure to move liquid at the desired pace. Centrifugal Pumps can further be subcategorized to include; end-suction pumps, in-line pumps, double-suction pumps, vertical multi-stage pumps, horizontal multi-stage pumps, submersible pumps, self-priming pumps, axial-flow pumps and regenerative pumps. Despite the differences between these types of pumps, both of them complement each other in order to get the job done. Characteristics of the Positive Displacement Pump include; the ability to pump air, they have a small amount of slippage and also have a fixed displacement of water. The advanta ges of the Positive Displacement Pumps are the disadvantages of the Centrifugal Pumps which cannot pump air and are capable of 100% slippage. Fire trucks may be defined as specifically designed vehicles responsible for fire extinguishing and performing rescue attempts. This vehicle is equipped with all the required resources/materials needed to aid in fire extinguishing. There are a variety of uniquely engineered fire trucks which come in all shapes, colors and sizes. The Emergency-One (E-One) pumper/tanker was engineered with its own uniqueness. Kevin Bonsor, author of ‘How fire engines work’ (n.d.) declared that the main function of the... The researcher aims to discuss the structure and mechanism of fire engines, that can carry their own water supply or be able to pump their own water. This essay describes a positive displacement pump and a centrifugal pump which complement each other. The positive displacement pump is one that primes and has high pressure. Positive displacement pumps fall into three main categories; reciprocating, metering and rotary pumps. These pumps are operated by forcing a fixed volume of fluid from the inlet pressure section of the pump into the discharged zone of the pump. Frequent in hydraulic systems-these pumps can reach maximum pressure of 5000 psi and positive displacement pumps recon to be larger than equal capacity dynamic pumps. Usage of the pumps on the pumper/tanker engine is very straight forward. Upon the scene of the fire, the first and most thing the pump operator will perform is to make sure that the valve between the tank and pump is open. This is done by flipping a switch whic h is located on the right side of the pump. Then, the operator will check to ensure which lines have been pulled off the fire engine by the firefighters, and the operator will discharge those lines. To make it easier the lines are color coded so the operator knows which lines to discharge and the color of the line corresponds to a plate below each lever on the pump panel. The process of discharging is controlled by a built-in electronic device, called a mastermind. As such, it automatically controls the pump, and runs the pressure up or down.